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- Hyperhidrosis Substantially Reduces Quality of Life in Children: A Retrospective Study Describing Symptoms, Consequences and Treatment with Botulinum Toxin (Acta Derm Venereol, jan, 2018)
Studies on children with hyperhidrosis are sparse. This retrospective study presents clinical data and quality of life, along with treatment effect and safety of botulinum toxin (BTX). - Hyperhidrose er et tavst handikap (, 2016) – betalingsvæg
Denne artikel beskriver hyperhidrose fra lægens såvel som patientens perspektiv. Desuden præsenteres undersøgelsesprocedurer og behandlingsprocedurer. - The prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with or without hyperhidrosis (HH) (JAAD, 2016 )
Both single variant and multivariable analyses showed a significant association between HH and the prevalence of anxiety and depression in a HH severity–dependent manner. - The psychiatric facet of hyperhidrosis: demographics, disability, quality of life, and associated psychopathology (Psychiatr Practice, 2014) – betalingsvæg
This study compared the sociodemographic and psychiatric features of treatment-seeking patients with (n=17) and without (n=29) primary hyperhidrosis (HYH) attending an outpatient dermatological clinic. - Elevated Social Stress Levels and Depressive Symptoms in Primary Hyperhidrosis (PLOS ONE, 2014)
the aim of this study is to investigate the relation between hyperhidrosis and different psychological as well as physiological aspects of chronic stress as a co-factor for the etiology of depression - Hyperhidrosis – an unknown widespread “silent” disorder (Journal of Neurology & Neuromedicine, 2011 )–an-unknown-widespread-silent-disorder.html
Undersøgelser viser, at der er en stærk negativ indvirkning på livskvaliteten for patienter med hyperhidrose. Med nutidens behandlingsmetoder kan individuelt tilpasset terapi føre til meget gode resultater.